Tuesday, May 27, 2014


       I found the concept of cymatics very interesting. It was cool to see the effects of different sounds waves on particles of sand. I knew what sounds waves looked like but I had no idea that they could create geometrical shapes and patterns. I found it very interesting that scientists have theories that sound waves could be responsible for creating geometrical shapes and patterns that are found in nature. I thought it was really cool that they could even recreate the cymatics of certain sound waves to visually prove or mimic their presence in nature. Cymatics can also artificially bring life to matter by forming and moving it. I enjoyed seeing the different geometrical patterns that different sound waves created. When sound can be seen, senses are mixed which then creates synesthesia. Synesthesia is when human senses are mixed or combined. Although synesthesia is technically a medical condition, I find it very interesting that it has come to play a large role in the artistic works as well. I have especially seen a lot of synesthesia when watching the works of famous experimental filmmakers such as Harry Smith. I had no idea that cymatics were first studied so long ago by iconic figures like Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. One day. I hope I get the opportunity to experiment with cymatics myself because I would like to see it happen in real life. It will be interesting to see what advances will be made in the field of cymatics in the future.

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